Of Wolf And Man
Black Album (1991)

E5  x 8  5e: ° embarque

°E5 °F5 °F♯5 °G5 °E5 °F5 °F♯5 °G♯5 

°E5 °F5 °F♯5 °G5 °E5 °F5 °F5 °F5 °(E5)

e eeF5 E5 e B5 e B♭5 (reste)  x 2  w/ '  x 6  '''

e eeF5 E5 e eeB5 B♭5  x 4  w/ ''''

Off through the new day's mist I run
Out from the new day's mist I have come
I hunt, therefore I am
Harvest the land, taking of the fallen lamb

e eeF5 E5 e B5 e B♭5 abdedade de\  x 2

Off through the new day's mist I run
Out from the new day's mist I have come
We shift, pulsing with the Earth
Company we keep, roaming the land while you sleep

  °E5°F5°F♯5°G5 e B5 e B♭5 (reste)  
             Ooooooooh     shape shift
  E5   E5 F5  E5   e B5 e B♭5 (reste)
  Nose to the wind            shape shift
  E5 E5   F5   E5   e C♯5 e C5 (reste)
  Feeling I've been            move swift
  F♯5 F♯5 G5 F♯5   e C♯5 e C5 (reste)
  All senses clean            earth's gift
   f♯   f♯ f♯  G5 F♯5   f♯   f♯ f♯  G5 F♯5  F♯5! F♯5! F♯5! \
  (Back to the meaning) back to the meaning of             life

e eeF5 E5 e B5 e B♭5 abdedade de\  x 2

Bright is the moon, high in starlight
Chill in the air, cold as steel tonight
We shift, call of the wild
Fear in your eyes, it's later than you realized


e eeF5 E5 e eeB5 B♭5  x 4

e eeF5 E5 e B5 e B♭5 (reste) xxx°x

{E5  F5E5  E5  x 3  G5!  G5  F5 F5}  x 2  w/ début solo

E5 E5 F5 E5 e B5 e B♭5 (reste)    C♯5 C5 (reste)  C5! C♯5! D5! D♯5\

e eeF5 E5 e B5 e B♭5 abdedade de\  x 2  fin: \ -> (reste)

G5 e G5G5F♯5 (reste)  \  \  \

E5  F5E5  E5  x 6  (P.M.)  w/ Em7  5-6e: w/ I feel a change, back to a better day

f♯ f♯f♯ G5F♯5 f♯ f♯f♯ C♯5C5
(Shape shift)
Hair stands on the back of my neck
(Shape shift) 
Wildness is the preservation of the world

B5 C5 C♯5 D5

     C5       C♯5     D5 D♯5  e B5 e B♭5 (reste) 
  So seek the wolf in thyself            shape shift
  E5   E5 F5  E5   e B5 e B♭5 (reste)
  Nose to the wind            shape shift
  E5 E5   F5   E5   e C♯5 e C5 (reste)
  Feeling I've been            move swift
  F♯5 F♯5 G5 F♯5   e C♯5 e C5 (reste)
  All senses clean            earth's gift
   f♯   f♯ f♯  G5 F♯5   f♯   f♯ f♯  G5 F♯5     e B5 e B♭5 
  (Back to the meaning) back to the meaning of         
           C♯5 C5 (reste) ° C5 C♯5 D5 D♯5\
  Of wolf         and man             yeah

e eeF5 E5 e B5 e B♭5 abdedade de\  x 2  fin: \ -> (reste)

G5 e G5G5F♯5 (reste)  °E5 °F5 °F♯5 °G5!