- Raconteurs, The
- Radiohead
- Rafferty, Gerry
- Raffy
- Rag'n'Bone Man
- Rage Against The Machine
- Rammstein
- Ramone, C.J.
- Ramone, Dee Dee
- Ramone, Joey
- Ramone, Richie
- Ramones
- Rancid
- Randy
- Rascal Flatts
- Rasmus, The
- Rats, Les
- Raymond, Francine
- Razorlight
- Reatard, Jay
- Red, Axelle
| - Red Fang
- Red Hot Chili Peppers
- Redding, Otis
- Rednex
- Reed, Lou
- Reel Big Fish
- Refused
- Regan, Fionn
- Reggiani, Serge
- R.E.M.
- Renaud
- René la Taupe
- Renoir, Axelle
- Rentals, The
- Reset
- Respectables, Les
- Revere, Paul & the Raiders
- Reznor, Trent
- Ricchi e Poveri
- Rice, Damien
- Richard, Zachary
| - Richie, Lionel
- Ricky Nelson
- Ridan
- Righteous Brothers, The
- Rihanna
- Rimes, LeAnn
- Rinfret, Ringo
- Riperton, Minnie
- Rita-Rita
- Rita Mitsouko
- Ritchie Valens
- Rivard, Michel
- Rivers, Dick
- Rivers, Johnny
- Robins, The
- Robinson, Smokey & the Miracles
- Robitaille, Damien
- Robot Caca
- Rock et Belles Oreilles
- Rock, Jenny
- Rock, Kid
| - Rocket From The Crypt
- Rocket From The Tombs
- Rocky Horror Picture Show, The
- Rodgers, Jimmie
- Rodriguez
- Rolling Stones, The
- Romantics, The
- Roméo Elvis
- Ronettes, The
- Rose
- Rosé
- Rose, Eli
- Rose Tattoo
- Rouge Pompier
- Roussos, Demis
- Roy, Gildor
- Roy, Marie-Ève
- Royal Blood
- Ruiz, Olivia
- Runaways, The