Queens Of The Stone Age
First It Giveth
Songs For The Deaf (2002)

Tune down 1 1/2 step

c♯  d  g♯  e  c♯  d  g♯       (basse)  x

c♯  d  g♯  e  c♯  bc♯d  c♯de  (embarque)

c♯  bc♯d   c♯dg♯  f♯g♯e
       I'm in you, you're in me
c♯  bc♯d    c♯de     g♯
       I can't tell
c♯  bc♯d      c♯dg♯    f♯g♯e
       You're so cruel, more than me
c♯  d     g♯
    It is true *that's right*

c♯  bc♯d  c♯dg♯  f♯g♯e                                w/ tierces
       Loyal to only you
c♯  d       g♯
    Up your sleeve
c♯  bc♯d   c♯de      /g♯ag♯
       I want some of all of you
c♯  d        g♯
    Trickin' me                                       !

  C♯(B)                           E(D)  A F♯
  First it giveth then it taketh away          x 4

C♯m(B)  DDDDD!  G♯(F♯)  EEEE!  x 2

(c♯)  (d)     (g♯) (e)                                w/ g♯  f♯g♯f♯  d♯  ed♯c♯
      I would beg, I would plead
(c♯)  (d)     (g♯)                                       g♯  f♯g♯f♯  b♯
      I would shake                                        
c♯  d    g♯   e                                       (rembarque)
    On a hook dangling
c♯  d      g♯
    By the way

c♯  bc♯d    c♯dg♯    f♯g♯e                            w/ tierces
       I'm so young and beautiful
c♯  bc♯d   c♯de     /g♯ag♯
       I'm no fool
c♯  bc♯d      c♯de   g♯
       Time goes by, tables turn
c♯  d     g♯                                          !
    Now I know


  C♯    F♯ F                      A    C
  First it giveth then it taketh away     x 2

   A    C
  Away     x 2

C♯m(B)  DDDDD!